year index

An Ashtead Tale

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

This is a green race, so green we will be!

Hmm... I'm sure they'll figure it out...

View from the bridge.

Rob prepares to address the multitude, but he's not wearing his Union Jack shorts. How will people know he's not an impostor?

She's not cheating, she's got to take up position pretty sharp-ish...

...before this lot are on top of her!

Often at this point, Amanda hides in the melée, but this time I've spotted her.

Off they head into the wild green yonder. Will they all return, or will the killer hornets take them?

There's a man breathing down Amanda's neck. I thought that was my job!

Happy and smiling now, but in another 7k?

Blimey, it's Steve Winder on the return leg already. Even in a still photo he just looks fast.

That's it, he's outta here. Won't see him again!

She's plumb last, but good on her: she's running, not sitting on her backside watching daytime TV.

Nigel the sweeper puts on a spurt for the camera. Then he stops for ten minutes to chat.

Hey, you two! You can't run together, not the way those tops clash!

First lady, despite the fact that if you look closely, you can see that she's busy checking Facebook on her phone!

Darn! The woman whose top clashed with Amanda's has solved the problem by overtaking her :-(

But she does have her don't-mess-with-me psycho-killer face on, so we won't say anything!

Amanda crosses the line next.

Going for the carrot!

Supergirl guards the T-shirts.

Here we are, the spoils of the day.

Remember those two who were holding hands, best of friends earlier? Not now the finish is in sight!

The winning lady receives her prizes.

And Mr W gives us a twirl.

Pick me! Pick me! Rob cunningly disguises his plan to get rid of a garage-full of old race gear as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Until the next race, then.


year index