year index

MM Illustrated, 2014 edition

The story of the race. One version, at least:

Garmin between the teeth, race number in one hand, safety pins in the other. But she'll figure it out, don't worry.

A slight delay for the leader of the Picnic who's already done the full MM distance and is just starting his second lap. Runners hate late starts, but if this isn't a worthy exception to the rule, nothing is.

Very good kids. Now let's see you keep that up for another thirteen miles. Heh heh heh, evil cackle :-)

The first two have already opened up a gap. Either they're Scottish and are fired up by the sound of the piper, or they reckon they want to get past and out of earshot as quickly as possible.

Here comes the peleton.

Happy to have conquered the first hill. Only a few more dozen to go.

Follow the white chalk road.

You're ok, mate, but Rob's got everyone else's arse on video!

Across the stepping stones (I).

Across the stepping stones (II).

Across the stepping stones (III); ok, this is the closest, but none of the angles really look much like The Beatles crossing Abbey Road.

You take the High Ro and I'll take the Mun Ro.

"Is that a camera in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?"

He's rather less sure about strange men pointing cameras at him...

"It tastes so horrible, it must be good for me..."

Descending the steps by sitting on an imaginary Stannah Stairlift. Cunning!

A beautiful view if only these runners didn't keep getting in the way.

"If I never see these £($(% steps again it will be far too soon!"

Clearly my charm works better on women!

It really is all downhill from here!

Hurrah! Glory and carrots await!

A little post-race treat: Caribbean eggs. This is an old Jamaican traditional recipe which I invented earlier in the morning, made from coconut, mango and rum. Strictly speaking, to be properly Jamaican, I suppose it should be made with Wray and Nephew Overproof White Rum, but Amanda still remembers the bottle my brother and I drank twenty years ago...

No, Amanda has not just slipped Nicky a fiver to 'improve' her placing. I think it may be the effect of the Caribbean eggs.


year index