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An Epsom Derby and a Canterbury Tale

Today we're Running With David, in, to give it its full title, the "RonHill Surrey Classic Series - Stage 3: Horton Park". Unfortunately, Horton Park itself is only the car park: the race proper takes place entirely on road.

Last time Amanda and Pat went running in the fog, it was at Richmond Park for Halloween, and they were all dressed up in their Trick Or Treat outfits. For the mean streets between Chessington and Epsom, it's all a bit more mundane.

Santa on a bike! At least he's going to be hard to lose sight of as he leads the pack out of the mist. It's a large pack, too. We've never done this race before and were surprised at just how many people were there. We thought that we'd be among the early ones and there'd be masses of space to park, but we were actually later than most and there weren't that many spaces left.

This is not the prettiest route we've ever done.

Nope, no better if I try a different angle.

Ok, that's Christ Church, Epsom in the background. You can almost see it behind the road, the cars and the trees through the fog.

A tiny bit clearer here... Anyway, this is the scenic part of the race.

It won't last long: enjoy it while you can!

Quite a fancy Christmas tree at least.

That's it, then, race done, and Amanda's best 10k time this year. Pat's also very pleased with her time, at 46:03 when she was hoping for 46:anything. We found Nicky and Grant unexpectedly on car park duty before the race, and now Nicky's recording times on the finish line. Seems they were asked to help out at the last minute and thought they'd surprise us by not telling us beforehand.

She's got her serious face on!

Inside for the official post-race mince pie, but the heat and humidity have fogged my lens a bit. I'll just have to pretend it's art.

And here is the very David himself, hard at work getting the results onto the computer.

So a slightly mixed bag for the last race of the year: a fast one if not a pretty one.

Post-race, we're off to Canterbury to look at at fitted wardrobes. I don't recall if Chaucer ever got round to writing the Wardrobe Designer's Tale, but I'm sure it would have been very exciting and full of action as the customers chose their finishes and interior subdivisions. Tall hangings, short hangings, shelves, drawers, square or V-profile extrusions... Gripping!

But your starter for ten: "What style of barber would you expect to find in Kent?"

And finally, a stained-glass window poster advertising the Cathedral's forthcoming production of Oliver. (I may have that wrong.)

Have a great Christmas everybody!

Next race, New Year's Day: the Knacker Cracker.

Love to all,


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