This is going to be pretty light on text, mostly just pictures,
because I need to get it out quickly.
I therefore have no time to research fascinating facts for your
enlightenment, nor to pose philosophical conundrums to stimulate
your critical faculties, nor even to rant about some fundamental
flaw in the design of the universe which would never have been
allowed if I'd been in charge of Creation!
And this is a race which none of our crew are actually running...
Amanda had signed up, but decided to give in to her better judgement
and save herself for the Leeds Castle Triathlon next week, and
Claire was tempted but again sense prevailed, so they're both going
to be marshalling instead.
Of course, that means getting there even earlier than the ridiculous
hour that would otherwise be needed, so Claire's stayed the night
with us and yet further sanity has prevailed, in that we've somehow
managed to limit our alcohol consumption and get to bed at what
sensible folk would call a sensible bedtime. We must be getting old!

Rob briefs his band of merry - inasmuch as it's possible to be merry
this early - men and women.

Ah, now this has Amanda kicking herself, because she'd love
to do an MM without the stepping stones!

Welcome to the jungle! The start area has been fenced off until
recently for some reason, and the grass has grown a bit wild.
They're also going to take the route I'd normally ride, so I'll have
to wait until the entire field is through before I can move on.
No picture of the actual start, because I manage to fall into a hole
which is concealed from view by thorn bushes and nettles. Ouch...
Still what's a bit of blood and a few stings? Onwards and upwards.
Even if it is downwards in a technical sense.

Here are the leaders coming back upĀ from the bottom of the first
hill. They will now shoot off into the distance never to be seen
again by me.

What is it they say? "You know you're getting old when the pipers
start looking young..."

Gaz is sweeping, and last runner is Anita who will later try to
bribe me. Unfortunately she is way too miserly in her offer.
Quite frankly, if you have to ask my price, you can't afford it!

By the time I get to the trig point, I've already missed the first
few guys.

It's nowhere near as hot as last year, but people are still wetting

Ah, off in the distance, the Belted Galloways. Particularly fine
cows, as regular readers will know, but little more than dots today,
even in the telephoto lens.

Sometimes you're not sure if you have the energy to open the energy

"Let's run with them! PLE-E-E-ASE!"
Yesterday, we fear that Amanda gave her sister's dog Sadie a bit of
a taste for cani-cross. This is not something that is going
to happen with any member of Sadie's household, who will probably
not thank us for teaching a young dog a new trick.

Hot marshalling action!

Up the Eiger steps.
I will decline to try and take my bike up there! I'll stick to the

Halfway turnaround point: Amanda is busy being a water nymph. Claire
is hiding.

Not for long, though.

The piper (and his mum!) had not realised they'd be expected to
climb this slope. She's only wearing flip-flops, but it doesn't seem
to put her off, because later she tells us she'll wear proper shoes
next time.

Descent for some of the faster runners seems little more than a
controlled fall.

Ascent is a bit harder.

Even though they've been fuelled by jelly babies!

At the top, it's all pretty much flat, totally out of keeping with
the rest of the race.

Some people use poles, some get a man to pull them.

The final runners are through, so instead of me taking pictures,
Amanda can take a picture of me.
She and Claire are now going to trot back along the return half
themselves, doing a bit of sweeping and litter-picking as they go.

And they're off!
Once again, I'll go back by road.

Kate is now back of the field with the sweepers.

But our girls are closing fast!

I'll just wait here while they run down to the bottom and back.

We're back; and it's now time to pack up.
Rob's off on business in the morning, so he (politely!) asks if I
can get a write-up and some photos to him later today, which is what
I'm doing with this rather rushed report.
And it means I can get back to drinking wine sooner!
Love to all,